Online shopping provides the opportunity to shop as you would in a physical shop, but at any time of day or night, from any where.

Select the items you would like to purchase by clicking the “Buy Now” button. Once you have added your items to the cart, scroll right to the bottom of the page to find the trolley icon and follow the check out process to choose your preferred delivery location and method of payment.


To add products to your cart, either use the categories to search for items, or scroll through the items.

The trolley icon is found at the bottom of the page. You can click this at any time to see the products and quantities you have chosen. You can then either go back and continue shopping, or proceed to check out.

On the cart page, you can edit the items and quantities in your trolley.


When you are ready, you can check out:

Click the Check Out button.

Supply your info:

Add your email address.

Select delivery option:

Using the buttons, you can either collect your order from REKO or from a drop off point. When you click either of these buttons, a drop down list will show you exactly when and where the deliveries take place.

Fill in your details and click Continue.

select payment choice:

Select your preferred payment option and click Place Order. All done!

An email will be sent to confirm your order and delivery choices. Any changes can be emailed to You will receive a notification once your order has been shipped.